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News from BID for Galashiels

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We've received our first YES! vote

We're thrilled to confirm that the Scottish Borders Council Executive Committee unanimously voted YES to the BID for the Galashiels project.


The vote, held at SBC HQ on Tuesday, 13th August, received positive comments from several Councillors, who acknowledged the outstanding work carried out within the town over the last few years, noting how a BID is now the best approach to continuing this. Cllr Scott Hamilton said:

"This is a fantastic opportunity for Galashiels. A BID is about the community taking ownership of projects and ideas, being able to deliver them, and having the funds." 

We'd go further by saying a BID for Galashiels is the ONLY approach to continuing the great work within the town.


The next stage in the process is for the Scottish Government to approve the project, and then it is over to you, with the ballot opening on 9th October and closing on 20th November.


Echoing Cllr Hamilton's comments: Let's give Galashiels a real boost!

Mags Fenner Appointed as New BID for Galashiels Project Manager

The steering group of the Galashiels Business Improvement District (BID) project is delighted to announce the appointment of Mags Fenner as the new project manager. Mags' extensive experience and successful track record in BID work, including her management of the BID for Galashiels 2018 project, make her an ideal choice for this crucial role. Her appointment is a significant boost to the project, instilling confidence in its future success. As Manager, Mags will spearhead efforts to establish a BID company for the town with the crucial BID ballot expected in November this year. Once a BID Company is established, a manager will be appointed to work with businesses and other key stakeholders to implement the BID business plan, delivering a range of initiatives to improve the vitality and vibrancy of Galashiels town centre. Lewis Roden, co-chair of BID for Galashiels, expressed his confidence in Mags' abilities, stating: "Mags' work in 2018, developing a project that would have established a BID company then, had it not been for an anomaly with one of the business's vote, is a testament to her dedication to BIDs and the town. There is a demonstrable desire among Galashiels businesses for a business led initiative working for the benefit and betterment of the town. A BID is the ideal vehicle for this. Mags will spend the coming months consulting with the town’s businesses and other key strategic partners to develop a BID business plan which will be put to a ballot of the town’s businesses in November." Mags' appointment comes at a critical time for the town as last month saw the end of the Build a Better Gala project, a South of Scotland Enterprise and Scottish Borders Council-funded initiative that delivered a range of regeneration activities in Galashiels over the last three years. The aspiration is that a BID would build on what has already been started with Build a Better Gala. Mags said: "Of all the BID work I have been involved with, Galashiels has always had a special place in my heart. I relish the opportunity to establish a Business Improvement District for the town in 2024. I look forward to reconnecting with familiar faces and meeting those who have set up many of the new businesses, working together to improve the local economy." A business consultation is now underway, allowing everyone with premises within the proposed BID zone to give their views on the project and suggest changes that would benefit their business.

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A spirit that's driving change ... as featured by Scotland's Towns Partnership

Galashiels: Murals, tartan, tapestry – and a spirit that’s driving change A series of striking murals stand as a powerful reminder of Galashiels’ proud past. But the artwork is also a statement of intent about its future: bold, ambitious and with the community as its heart. For the famous textiles town known as the Heartland of the Borders, that community core is the key artery as collaboration breeds creativity, which creates vibrancy which – together – is delivering success. That’s not to say that this is work without challenge. There are – as in every place working to regenerate and make itself economically and environmentally fitter for the future – hurdles to overcome. But instead of wishing for the return of days gone by, townsfolk in Galashiels are using their past as an inspiration. As demonstrated by the murals. The Vibrant Gala project which created the trail is the result of work carried out by the multi award-winning Energise Galashiels Trust, just one example of a vast array of activities and schemes in which it is involved, from the popular Heartlands Market to shopfront improvements and digital support for businesses. And their catalytic effect – along with wider work – is making its mark as people work to ensure Galashiels town centre is a place in which people not just work, but live and visit too. Indeed, its impact is attracting the interest of other towns keen to learn more. “A survey recently named Gala as the happiest place to live in Scotland, which is really rewarding,” said Energise Gala chair Ian Dalgliesh. The Vibrant Gala murals – which grew from one celebrating the reopening of the Borders Railway to and from Edinburgh – were developed in tandem with the opening of The Great Tapestry of Scotland. As well as celebrating the world-renowned mills which once dominated the town, they pay homage to key characters in its past, including Sir Walter Scott and the distinctive Shepherd’s Tartan. A further artistic installation – honouring the community’s agricultural life – is also in the pipeline. “It’s been a fantastic collaborative project for the community,” Energise Gala manager Angela Crow explained. “The murals came about as a result of public consultation linked to the tapestry. They were something people were keen to see more of.” They have certainly added to attractions in the town and are impossible to miss. The positive impact of the Vibrant Gala project was recognised as it took the Creative Community title at the 2023 Scotland Loves Local Awards, organised by Scotland’s Towns Partnership. It also earned the Improving Scotland’s Places accolade at the 2023 SURF Awards. Angela added: “The recent awards have contributed towards people feeling prouder of the town. “We want to make this town centre the best place it can be for people who live here, people who work here and people who visit here.” Drive to create improvement district Energise Galashiels is also supporting work in an attempt to create a Business Improvement District (BID) for the town. Potential levy-payers are expected to vote later this year on whether to grant the go-ahead for BID Galashiels, with supporters hoping that its creation will further support the town centre, encourage shoppers and visitors while helping to drive further investment. The passion which those involved have in making a difference is clear. Debbie Paterson and Lewis Roden, both of whom run family businesses in the town, are the co-chairs of BID Galashiels. “The thing that makes Galashiels most special is the people,” said Debbie. “Historically, this was a textiles town. It was bustling, there was lots of noise and there was a lot of pride about what was produced. “As we have gone through the years, the mills have closed and it left a gap. The town lost its identity a little. “But, in recent years, people have realised they want to recreate that vibrancy that Gala had. We can now see shops which had sat empty for years being filled, there are gorgeous murals and there are plans in place to keep Galashiels thriving.” Lewis hopes that the BID can further build on the efforts of Energise Galashiels. He added: “We really want to build on that momentum, put on more events and drive traffic to Galashiels to support local businesses.” Work to develop the BID in Galashiels is being backed by Scotland’s Improvement Districts, the organisation responsible for rolling out and supporting the work of improvement districts nationally. The Great Tapestry of Scotland The Great Tapestry of Scotland – which opened in a purpose-built centre in August 2021 – has been credited with drawing people into the town, directly supporting the area’s immediate recovery from the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The brainchild of celebrated Scottish writer Alexander McCall-Smith, the attraction – operated by cultural and leisure trust Live Borders – is home to one of the world’s biggest community arts projects, with a team of 1,000 stickers creating the 160 linen panels which tell the nation’s story. They are based on a narrative written by Borders-based writer and historian Alistair Moffat. For a town renowned for its textiles, it is another way in which the past is being woven into the future. Visitor officer Valerie Kelly meets many of those – locals and those from around the world – who visit the tapestry every year. “We get some people in tears because they are so overwhelmed by what they see. And they usually come back. The more you look, the more you see. “The people who come here also spend money around the town so businesses have improved around the centre. People are proud to have this here.” Why choosing local is critical Businesses across Galashiels have been advocates of the Scotland Loves Local drive for people to support enterprises in their community, as well as embracing the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card to help lock money into the Scottish Borders economy. Bulldog’s Bakehouse,on Channel Street, is among those which accepts the cards. William Mason founded cake-making business Bulldog Bakes alongside husband Aaron, starting it in their kitchen before moving into their town centre premises. The support they receive from local people means they, in turn, can support other local enterprises. “It’s great to see small local businesses being supported. Every pound that comes across the counter is kept local,” said William. “Our regulars are the bread and butter, who keep us going. “I feel Galashiels could be on the cusp of becoming an up-and-coming place. There’s a lot of time, money and energy being put into the town – and it’s working well for us.” Forging a future together Euan Jardine is a Galashiels councillor, as well as being the leader of Scottish Borders Council. Speaking with pride and enthusiasm about the town, he praised so much of what is happening – from the work of Energise Gala to the energy of local businesses, the mission to bring more people into places including Channel Street, sports teams, events and so much more. He said: “There’s a real vibrancy around Galashiels right now. It can sometimes be hard to realise how much positive change is happening in the town because it’s happening quite organically. Galashiels is showing what can happen with local support. “Galashiels is one of those places where once people come, they realise all of the hidden gems we have here. There’s so much to the town – with something for everybody. “Community is so important to all of this. People here are proud to be from their town.”

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